-22 Honolulu, December 0, 1090 Tb Sunday Star Bulletin Advertiser CCCDiKlnect A InrtiKtni S07-foredojurei 55WrKome Property Ask About our INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM PASS OR PAY NOTHING VITOUSEK DOWER SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE $150 4- hi A hnnkcl NOIK OF fOHLCLOSURE 6 ALE KONA Al It condTMmuma 75 5782 Aki Drive Kailua Hon. Hawaii 0b74O Tax Map Key No HPR (Leasehold) TMK: (3)7 5008001 HPR No. 0016 Unit 304 HPR No. 0O Um n8 0020 Unit 3(i8 0)57 Unit (xJ Oj.iJ Unit 408 C) i5 Unit 411 0XIS9-Unit 611 0045 Unit 509 Co. Unit 709 0U46 Unit 510 Quo- Un.1 710 REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Day Evening SALESPERSON classes start December 11 in preparation for the State Real Estate Exam on January 26, 1991.
Classroom in the Manoa Marketplace. Ample On bedroom, two balh partially parking stall per unit Gross Hving SALESPERSONS BROKERS CLASSES: AM Of PM Instructors: John Reiily Paige Vitousek Over 15.000 graduates. Ask about Tuttion Reimbursem*nt Approved for VA Benefits. Visa, Master Card Accepted For rnformation 1 Free Brochure Call 946-0505 "We'nj Th Biggest i The Oldest Becausi We'n The Best!" ijo sq in units J04. 308.
408. 41 1. 509. 510. bU9.
610. 61 gross living area 860 sq ft. with lanai area 630 sq tt in tree parwng. Tuition reimbursem*nt available, for mtor-(nation Free Brochure call 988-5445 ATTENTION: REAL ESTATE AGENTS 'Continuing Education Classes" $35 per module Units 709 and 7 10. within walking lwiks, bnufin.
muvie invuu ano convenience store Common area amenities are swimming poof, recreation area, security entrance and trash chule. HONOLULU. OPEN FOR Saturday, Dec. 15. 1990 Sunday, Pec.
23, 1990 AUCTION DATE I TIME LOCATION CONTINUING EDUCATION JOHN REILLY LAST CHANCE RENEWAL OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE Final mandatory continuing education classes begin: Oec. 15, Dec 16, Dec. 17 (am pm), and Cec. 20 CALL NOW STAPLETON HAWAII INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE 521-0071 TERMS OF SALE No upset pnea Units win be sold individually or as on block Property will be Sold in an "as is "where is condition without warranties to the highest bidder at public auction, with 10 of highest bid payable in cash, certified or cashier's check at close of auction, balance payable upon delivery ol title Potential bidders must be able to provide proof ot ability to comply with 10 ot bid requirement prior lo participating in the public auction Buyer thaN pay all costs of Real Estate Continuing Education Company Pre-licensee sales broken applications now being taken for Oahu I Closing mciuomg escrow, conveyance and reoordelion tee. conveyance taxea and is responsible lor secunng possession ol the property upon recordation SALE IS SUBJECT TO COURT APPROVAL ANO CONFIRMATION.
For further Information call: MARGARET K. MASUNAQA Attorney at Law Goodsill Anderson Oumn Sttfet 76 170 Hualalai Road, Suite 216 Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 Telephone No. (808) 329-7731 (RfcCE LAST CLASSES FOR LICENSE RENEWAL Outrigger Prince Kuhio Hotel (3rd floor) Study our materials in advance of class One one half day sessions December 13, 14 December 27, 28 Contact RECE for information Monday-Friday 523-7021; FAX 538-1927 EARN $100,000 BROKER-IN-CHARGE In search of excellence? Immediate Opening. Salary Override. Windward Area Call Darrell or Rheta Large, CRB, CRS NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE EWA COLONY ESTATES 81-630 Kilaha Street Apt.
10 Ews Beach, Hawaii Civil No 89-1282 05 TMK: 9-1-001-014 HPR 10 DESCRIPTION: 4 bedroom 15 Bath Townhouse Apartment with an approximate interior area of 1320 sq It. with two parking stall No. IttlOA FEE SIMPLE. OPEN HOUSES: SUNDAY Dec. 9.
1990 1 00 to 4 00 PM. SUNDAY Dec. 16. 1990- 1:00 to 4 00 P.M. AUCTION DATE: Thursday, January 3.
1991 at 12 00 noon at the front Mauka entrance of the Judiciary Bldg (behind King Kamehamehi statue) 417 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. TERM OF SALE: NO UPSET PRICE. Property to be sold "as j-condition at public auction with 10 of higheat bid payable cash, certified or cashier check at close of auction, balance payable upon delivery ol title Potential bidders must be able to provide proof ol his ability to comply with 10 of bid requirement prior to participating in the public auction. Buyer shall pay all costa ot closing including escrow, conveyance and recordation fee. conveyance taxes and is responsible for securing possession of the property upon recordation.
SALE SUBJECT TO COURT CONFIRMATION. For further information call: STANLEY UJIMORI Commissioner 94 674 Farnngton Hwy. Waipahu. Hawaii 96797 Bus: 671 5628 ijHiafinHjMflv'h 396-2888 REAL ESTATE CONTINUING EDUCATION One day session to meet all three required courses $45 per course or $125 for all three in one day. (Can be taken Individually) Niaui January classes.
FIDELITY MANAGEMENT CONDO MANAGEMENT 523-06915 First Commercial Brokerage 536-1002 HELP WANTED. U. real estate agents. Exper. not nec.
Will tram. "We can about you" Alan Naluatt a ASSOC. SMj-flbM II you re ready to be part of a real estate system that allows you to keep 100 of your commission phone'vtsit our new office t2i Kapioiam Blvd 809 SUTTON GROUP BANYAN REALTY 522 1831 INTERSTATE HAWAII REALTY Ph. 522-9140 IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE? So ire wel We train, we care Call today Hale Koa Better nomea a oardens. 4bb-5555.
254 6444 396-9999 Kens Hawaii Associates CALL 528-2666 MOTIVATED REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED earn up to 85 from day New agents earn up to 75. Call Debbie for interview Genesis Properties Hawaii 947-0770 NEED 3 AMBITIOUS AGENTS. Free training. Call Dan Leonard (R) 533 0311 PARTFULL TIME AGENTS waianaeAieaHaleiwa Luko Realty 487-7966 REAL ESTATE CAREERS. For information call CENTURY 21 ol the Pacilio.
Inc. 988-7047 LOOKING for something? Search no further. Turn to classified and FIND IT! PAGODA HOTEL 1212-90. WED. CONTRACTS 8AM ETHICS 12:30 FINANCE 5PM PAGODA HOTEL 1215 90, SAT.
FINANCE 8AM CONTRACTS 12:30 ETHICS 5PM NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 95-209 HOKULOA LOOP Mililani, Hawaii 96789 Civil No 90-2203-07 TMK (1) 9-5-19 46 Fee Simple PROPERTY: Three-bdrms'two-baths single-family home in Militant, consisting ot approx. 1.411 sq tt. ot living area, 437 sq. ft. carport, on approx.
6,500 sq ft. ot land area. OPEN HOUSES: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1990 2 00 5 00 p.m.
1991. 12 00 noon, in front High passing rateover 99 plus. Free to retake test until you pass. Small classes. Guaranteed Best Instructors Ed Flores, Gretchen Ouplanty David Oeka.
Free Brochure Class Schedule. Call our 24 hr. info, hotline. Duplanty School Of Real Estate 737-5507 KAIMUKI Waiaiae Ave corner bxcelleiil lona iHim Goud visibility with convet n(e'ii KJcaiun. ori44 PUB Properties Lid 6 lb 18' KAKAAKO WARD Avfrvui" IU72 sq ft, bpai MAMH IMIIh UAH Pat Choi Realty hie fejt KALIHI.
Coioum St. ryjrxfl (FS) IMX I House I'JuOOOO KALIHI Expanuabie 6w) ole whse on kje Fee stmt 20000 sl IMX 1 lot only $24 million. Buy or lease w'option lo buy Buddy Gendrano Hity Inc. 833 1226 839 2640. We nave oincrr xw ueaisi beach- tront propernes etc Hurryi KALIHI 5UOO sq tt.
Hau Sl tMX-1 OOO. Joven Gaiijs (Mi eves b't 8'90 KANEOHE wnta I00i2 ai improvemema IB 139 11 land Fully leased. $975 000 (L) Theima Grettin ger 521 7444 or 9J6 34J0 LQE house IMX 1 foned Mot. vated Seller $650 000 (FS) Wilson Pascua (Hi 67664)0 Jerry liar Rlty 677 3bH2 OPEN 26 Stadium MaU kv Cream. Owner leaving 110 mainland Ice cream, ahtve ice.
hot dog. eairmn A tuture nka7iive nlale kmrh ai SUSAN PEHPINAN (Ri 051 ij or orji Ji Jb 483-2222 OPEN 2 5 Warenouse 3804: corner lot 7500 al Hvy ei. container drxxe. on-site $1,500,000 828 Pine St. Home Improvemenl -DENA MARLOWE fet, 973 4539927.7769.
JONES Really 973-2222' PEARL CITY INDUSTRIAL rAHh. rfcc SIMPLE 29.7t sqtt, lol. 2 warehouses v. easy to partition floor plan, to conven into 4 separate wait houses Ask lor tact sheel All icitn i.i, 11 a ivi.i.iwin. NEW LIFE REALTY 9464540 Prime Commercial Property l.a iviiinon-r-eei 14043 3AN4 Wataiaa Aua Ca" Now! Josephine "Jodee" arm M-rj4 Ub46, 735 4200 WAHIAWA Prime 2 Property Fee 10 875 sl land tree standing bldg.
(or ownerruser. Excellent Kam Hwy trontage. great -for retail or rasi tooa opeiator, Stan Tanaka (R) -Comprehensive Props. 599-8729 or 487-2124 $1,395,000 WAIPAHU Fee 7 309 sq II zoned 1-2, $500,000 MLS iouuu VERNON MIURA IR) HORITA REALTY, Inc. 848-2268 Waipahu (FS) 20 000 sq II 12 hi-cube w-bays tor owner'm- vestor jz.iso.uuo.
Aloha Re location 737 8711, 734-1313 WANTED Pearl City to Waipa hu business A industrial crop erly Hironaka (R) 538 3788 27.1 10 SF. BMX-3 Great location for condo or dormitory 2331 S. Berelania Leasehold MLS 15835 Ronald Larsen (R) 3969199 GIG I AIUHAIA CT uuv unumnivn wi. Three lame industrial omnsrtlp totaling 39,092 sq. tt.
Prime IcffsT 4 lion on ummgham Blvd. Whss olc. approx. 5341 so. fl Easy access to H-1 Freeway, close ja town wide street trontaae- MLS 80865.
Asking $8 1V1CL LUIYI lltKLIT Bus. 734-7088 Res. 595-6016 560-Stores Offices HAWAII KAI Prime second tioor oltice space totalimo. 1562 soil. avail, late Jan.
1991 in the Hawaii Kai Medical- A Office Center, $1.85 pst plus cam for ine nrst year. Ask tor igi McCormack (R) at 639-9633 A MfMaex or wf mam rnxMOAi xjiarjax 'I II TT I -''Tr-'- McCORMACK REAL ESTATE LEASE SPACE IMPROVEMENTS ZX rUH SftLt space tor use. Great income potenkat' snack bar Included Linda Rivera (RA) 949 4919. CenturyJ 21 H5C SM9 6322 MAPUNAPUNA: Retailotc complex lor sale A great, noma tor ine Duyer in an income producing bldg. inc.
Hon (HA) 942 71 PRIME downtown 2 rm olc $175,000 (L) Mis 89156 Muf non nawan CO S4b I4be 115-Cemetery Plots DIAMOND HEAD MEMORIAL! rAHK. 2 plols $4.500 ea. Ph 286 6569 HAWAIIAN Memorial Paik; seavtew Gardens. 2 oio 373-1878. 486-0787, HAWAIIAN Memorial Plots (4) Garden ot Memories, $1900 eactvoer Ph 637-4659 HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL PLOTSH SZ15Qea.Qf1er.
Ph. 737-9372: HAWAIIAN MEMORIA Pints rfii curiF.Bv cinc- KOOLAU CIRCLE. 839-234g' HAWAIIAN MEMORIAL r-LUIS S2 000 each 537-3062; 624 8642 MILILANI MEMORIAL 4 plots $1500 ea oHer. Also 1 com plete burial plan. 834 0476 MILILANI Memorial Pk, Sacred Heart area.
2 plots--. sde sioe uuu ea. on MILILANI 3 plots, currently. pricea ai i.uuu now only i.wea firm orr-urr VALLEY ol the Tempie. a piois $1275 ea.
Eugene MH Lnang (M) 120-Notlces ADVERTISING STANDARDS Advertising published in The Honolulu Advertiser -and the Honolulu Star Bui- letin IB accented nn rha premise that the mercharv 1 til or 395-6825 PAGODA HOTEL 12 20 90. THUR. ETHICS 8AM FINANCE 12:30 CONTRACTS 5PM AGENTS needed full part time (or estab. co. Will train.
Join our team succeed! Century 21 "Plus- 247-7799 CENTURY 21 WINDWARD PROFESSIONALISM COUNTS 263-3322 CHARTER REALTY COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS. PH: 949-6616 "CHRISTMAS MONEY" Real Estate Licensees, Time Share Marketing Will pay $500 to teach Beautiful Waikiki Area SbOOO $8000 a mo. Call between 10am-2pm, Fri. Ask for: Mr. Red CLASSES Hawaii Real Estate Jan.
Exam. Seller School of Real Estate 528 -2221 EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. Free Consultation. Ira Gordon (R). ALOHA HOMES 941-8711 of the Old Judiciary (behind King Kamehameha Statue) on South King Honolulu, Hawaii.
TERMS OF SALE: No UPSET PRICE. Property being sold "as is" to highest bidder. 10 to be paid at close of auction in cash or cashier's check, and balance lo be paid in cash or cashier's check upon court approval and with delivery of documents transferring title. Potential bidders must be able to provide prool of their ability to comply with 10 of bid requirement prior to participating in the public auction. Buyer to pay costs of conveyancing, Including conveyance tax and escrow, and is responsible lor recordation and securing possession.
Real property taxes will be prorated as ol delivery of documents transferring title. Sale is subject to confirmation by the Court. Sale is also subject to first mortgage. For lurther information, contact. Steven M.
Shishido. Commissioner, at 1650 Liliha Street, Rm. 208, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Telephone 531 -0642 1 5GH-WAIKIKI 2 OPEN 2-5 BEST VALUE IN TOWN LA CASA 1204 2092 Kutwo Attractive vie apt- Itnai, cov secure prkg qua! bidg. i'c, and 603 sq ft.
Absolutely the best at $199 000. Fee avail. Sandra EH (RA) 923-1651 A Lagoon Realty VfST 528-3733 OPEN 2 5 FAIRWAY VILLA 2345 Ala Wai Boulevard 1007 Studio. 1 bathroom, 1 covered parking, pool. $165,000.
(L). MLS 87292. Wick Tonti (R) 396-0544 Pan Oiscovery Prop. 739-5050 OPEN 2-5 ILIKAI 941 1777 Ala Moana Blvd. Simple 1 Bedrm 1 Bath recently remodeled full furnished.
Fabulous ocean yacht harbor vie. Easy to Show. MLS 15875 $435,000 Kayoko Oown (RA res. 537-6438 or 224-7988 Real Estate Showcase 926-5677 OPEN 2-5 NEW LISTING 400 H0BR0N LANE 3214 The perfect 1 bdrm. 1 bath on the upper floor in The Villa On Ealon Square.
Wondertul ocean view A great local ion. $310 000 (FS) Karen Morneau (RA) 488 5188. 483 5000 ISA Bishop Group SZZJ Realtyinc OPEN 2 5 Nicely clean bdrmT bath in Waikiki Lanaia. 2542 Tuaitala St. 1508 Great rental $225 000 (L) UZ HtNNLUT (HA) as) 6872.
LEISURE HERITAGE 605 31 1 Ohua Ave Priced re duced $319,000. 2 bdrm 2 bath with ca (L) HERB BISCHKE (H) 922-1133. FAIRWAY VILLA. 2345 Ala Wai 1517. 2 bdrm 2 bath ocean mm golf course views.
$299,900 (L) Call HERB BISCHKE (R) 922-1 133. LUXURV Kaimaina Lanais $395,000. 1 bdrm.DH 4 ocean view apt. lavished Koa woods. 2444 Hihiwai St, 1704 (FS) JEONG VAZQUEZ (RA) 530 6811.
SPECTACULAR views Newly reruroisnea siuaio. 44o seaside Ave. 3603. $169,000. (L) YUKIO AMARU (RA) SJODOOU ISLAND COLONY 445 Seaside Ave.
2209. Coy studio. Not in hotel pool Kitchenette. $159,000. (L) DAISY CONQUEST (RA) 732-1573226-4617.
2029 ALA WAI BLVD. 701.2 bdrm 2 bath 1251 sf 60 yrs lease xj yrs nxed lease rno Securityelevator (L) AN NA MblUNlj (HA) 024-09U6. Watch Ch 5 noonl JONES Realty 973-2222 'J OPEN 2-5 SEEING IS BELIEVING 441 LEWERS-502 Sharp Studio All New Agreement of Sale $129,950 Great location Stop by! 16113 John Gwaltney (RA) a OPEN 2-5 Tradewinds Plaza 2574 Lemon Rd. 210 Fully renovated, designer decorated studio. Excl.
vaca tion rental $125,000 (L) Terms. Loren C. Divers (RA) SUTTON GROUP-OARE 946-8067 OPEN 2-5 Waikiki Shores 615 2161 Kalia Road Great studio in oceanlront bldg. with panoramic views ol ocean, mountains, sunsets A city lights. Furnished incl.
washerdryer. MLS 15669 (L) $239,000 MARION CARPENTER (RA) 39502130 (H) Sykes Sykes Properties, Inc. Realtms 396-8891 OPEN 2-5 2410 CLEGHORN 2604 OUTSTANDING OCEAN VIEW 2 Parking' Fully turni 1 bdrm' immaculate! Mountain views also $245,000 (L) MLS 15511 Margaret Chun (RA) H-735 9313. 735 4200 OPEN 2-5 2464 Prince Edward 504, 512, 1002, 1004 Priced to sell today Approx 255 per si each unit 1 bdrm1 bth attached studio apt wpnvate entrance )ust 130 steps to Waikiki beach. Priced well below current market values! (FS) mle 15948.
49. 50 56 Jack Leslem (R) 395-6662 $245 270.000 Bradley Properties Ltd. OPEN 2-5 2500 KALAKAUA AVE. FOSTER TOWER 504 Priced Below Appraisal $695,000 VERSATILE 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH STEPS FROM WAIKIKI BEACH. ENJOY SUPERB OCEAN VIEWS UPGRADED AND FURNISHED OWNER IS VERY MOTIVATED! (L) DAVID ROGERS (RA) 922 3130 pnTrriTTij OPEN 2-5 425 Ena Road YOUR OASIS IN WAIKIKI.
THE KALIA in the heart Ol WAIKIKI Gardens, pool, security activities Near shops bus BEACH SPACIOUS 1 bdrm units with enclosed lanai large enough lor another room (L) Helen Carroll 944-1718. 607C BEAUTIFULLY UPGRADED ao's white tones. Urn view S132 S-JO t004C PhiCE REDUCED1 MtGH FLOOR new paint, ready lor your touch, consider A mis 64530 $119 000 9C6B EXQUISITELY decorated. Quality furmehtng A touoh ocean view, mm i t'39 6t14B ATTRACTIVELY L)P (jRADED NEW Requires ongeacrow fms86905 a907A New pamt. cafDs $t3uOJ0 GUGEOUS apt w-th opo gam root vie O-isii ry (urn mn8''8s3 $136 sMO Isradlcy Pftrpt-rtH- lAtt.
m-uh iw n-i j3-toi jtfoyiaa EL OPEN 2-5 WAIKIKI SHORE 505 2161 KALIA ROAD On the beach, highly upgraded turn studio apt A washer 'dryer. A much moral Call Dorothy Morrow (RA) 637 3214 WALTER JUNG ASSOC. openT? waikiki lanais 2452 Tusitala St. Hiphly upgraded 21 $258,000 (L) mis 89123. RuSS Swaney (RA) 460JJ18.
URNER I atsoe 487-6481 Open 2-5 Waikiki Banyan Tower 1407 201 OHUA AVE. Beautiful 1 bedroom. In Aston Hotel pool. $265 OOO (L) MAKE ANY OFFER! Thomas Onnnaware (R) 7372022 Progress Sales A Development 4222yU OPEN 2-5 235 LILIUOKALANI 226 A changing area. A studio that is like i one bedroom, legently remodeled.
Spacious. Appreciable. $115,000. 737-2305 OPEN 2-5 411 Hobron Lane 2601 CHATEAU WAIKIKI L-0-0-0-0-N-G low lease gives worry-tree living this comer 1 bdrm. apt.
with glonous views. New paint carpet furnishings. Central air, too! mis 64844. $295,000 (L). see Bob twbank (RA) 396-8489 HELEN PRICE REALTORS 735-5533 PACIFIC Monarch Waikiki at its best.
Beautiful ocean A sunset vewa. Exceptional bldg. 1-bdrm. $295,000 (L) MLS New RICHARD LEE (RA) OJU OOUU'WD-jyOD. IS A lf.il Heelty, Inc.
PRICED BELOW APPRAISAL Versatile 2 bedroom 2 bath oceanview condo that may be usea as a studio and one bed room. Immediate sale required to close estate Upgraded and fully furnished. Foster Tower (L) David Rogers (RA) Renovated $215,000 (L) 1031 Exchange. MLS 88963. Lau (B) 524-6121: 949-8295 RENOVATED 2 2 nr.
beach zoo. $350,000 (L) Palace Rlty ROYAL ALOHA 2 bdrm. 1 bath, pool (L) $217,500 927-2372. JH Realty 955 7501 Royal Kuhio 1006 In the heart of Waikiki. Fully furnished 1 bdrm.
1 bath. Cool corner end unit. Close to beach. shopping, restaurant. Great amenities.
MLS 89745 $250,000 (L) Masara Kiwaoa (haj Ft MtllMJI HfcHOUbC REALTY, HO. Ph. 523-8 1B8 SIDE BY SIDE Studios. Each with full kitchen, bath, lanai, ocean view up- raded. Block to beach, olh lor $180,000 (L) Hon jarvis (ha) HU4U2 USA HAWAII REALTY.
INC. 949-6686 Steps To The Beach wView! This upgraded 1 bdrm unit Is close to shops, dining, bus town. Pool, security, extra Btoragei MLS 89145. $149,000 (L) James A. Casey (RA) (H) 239-9699-235 8700 TWO beautilu! 2 bdrm.
1 bath units. 2 blocks from center ol Waikiki beach. Elevator secure. $190,000 ea. 222 Kai-ulani Owner 396 3500 WAIKIKI SHORE 312 2161 KALIA ROAD OPEN 2-5 Lge 11 wprkg.
on beautiful quiet sandy beach. This unit ol 850 sq It. is in labulous loca tion graced by swaying palms and tranquil sunsets. Compare to others off the beach and see why this is it! MLS 86982 $369,500 (L). Also available for private showing APT 800.
2 bdrm 2 balh. ocean front unit of approx. I6O0 sq tt. Luxury its finest. Bill Coliamer (R) 396-0955 CENTURY 21 BEACHCOMBER REALTY 955-7838 WAIPUNA Call today to see this beautifully renovated 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit.
New carpets, drapes, tile, kitchen counter tops, light fixtures the fantastic views from this high floor unit are just some of the features you will find Offered at $550,000. (L) Call Larry T. Saito (RA) 261-3158 or Greg Oatori in) Ph. 623-8188 WAIPUNA OPEN 2-5 469 Ena Road 1104 Can't beat the location or the price' Wonderful executive building with all the amenities 2 bdrm. 2 bath beautifully maintained and ready tor you to move rtgnt Covered parking.
MLS 15348 FEE SIMPLE. $450,000 Also available 3 bdrm. 2 bath wover 1200 sq tt of hvtng area Large covered lanai I ocean vewa Upgraded tnru-oul covered parting alalia. $525,000 Sown toy appointment onJy LYNN WELLS (H) 261-6649 2140 Kuhio Ave. Call to see1 FFE SIMPLE A mountain view WOW.
A marina cenei view WOW. A golf-course view WOW SOWOOid SijhtS' WOW In 1 bom-1 berh ao has the amenrttee you coud oreem ot A muet see Ceil today1 Sav Q.jy (R, J2671 (h) 5. 2844 (h) $259 JOO (83447) CONLEYDCVV MfcALTOHS 504-UAIKIKI I ASSOC. 253 6111 WOW INCOME PRGWRIV a nnwierlv near UH mri 7 bedrooms. 4 baths, 3 i.n.i l.lrnail and lOIS ol park ma Fee $HH0OO0.
944 1888 (TNtklA) 'jj McCOWACK Rl Al- KALIHI IMX 6 i bdrm unit apt, plus 1 bdrm 1 balh home bdrm 3 bath home an on corner lot 9514 Sqlt (FS) MLS 75.14J Call Kenh De La CtuJ Investors Management Prop, tot unit apl. reduced from $2 5 mH 10 fi mri iw? gjo Henry Rea'ty 732 6633 LAS VEGAS7 Houston? Otner ma.niand' AMRECO HMC. (R) S99 44S5 5J11W2 UAKIKI 14 217 sl. lee. 12 apt units.
$1 95 million Zoned A 2 Dsvid Ma (H) tM I'rv PHiH-l-'SMnNAL PLA2A fee Simple AAA location 7 6H CAP IB SOUOUU 'irm AMIRICORPINT t-6798838 NEW HOT LISTING BY APPT. ONLY 3 individual renovated houses on 10.376 sq ft. lee simple lot Prime location. 1 block Irom Ham Rhmninn Center. Excl tor mulli family or investor Motivated seller MLS New Pascua (R) 67fb4IO cm Aim rimiial toener Jerry liar Realty 677-366? Oceanlront Fee Simple Kihel restaurantcommercial 4.000 aq ft zoned lor various uses.
$1,900,000 Patrick H. Rich (RA) (OAHU) 247 6681' 2394190 iMwtvMaMwm si McCORWACK REAL ESTATE OPEN 2-5 54 269 Kam Hwy Hauull BEACHFRONT Fee 1 6 acres 8 3 bdrm units 4 2 beaoh house Great view $1 975.000. OCEANFRONT Fee triple, wr deck i lanai $675 000 Bob Beck Realtor 293 8083 RENTAL PROPERTY Enpiore the possibilities olfered at this ideal corner property in the Kaneohe Bay neighbor hood Twa2 bdrm units, one 1 bdrm unit plus studio apt Total ol 4 unite. $367,500. Fee.
Call 944-18o8 (TN521A) McCORMACK REAL ESTATE Salt Lake Dupie 1.1 ea. Up S'de potential development. $320 000 (L). Wendy (RA) 395 2459 Dave Lewis Inc UNIQUE 4-PLEX Makiki. Lush landscaping en.
hances these 4 garden units Each designed like a single lamily res. Koa. oak A Mexican tile thru out. Fee $1,600,000. Call 944-1888.
TN547 mix op nw mam nuHOXt xmxnm McCORMACK REAL ESTATE mv a Qn WAHIAWA FEE SIMPLE 18umt 1 $1.550 000 6 unit 2 bdrm. $775,000 MLS new Call now. Arquette Assoc. 732 9494 Rubinstein (RA) 262 7249 WAIPAHU Fee simple 7359 sq lt. 12 Zoning Currently w4 ea.
2 bdrm rental units. Excellent potential on property. Asking- $495,000 or make best oiler. Mis 86975. 4 unit 1 bdrm units on 3659 sq II.
tee simple land. 1-2 Zoning. Excellent shape. Mis new. Asking $425,000.
Buddy Gendrano Realty, Inc. 833-1226 839-2690 WAREHOUSE (L) Great Investment, central location. $925,000. 'mi Awagner Wagner 526-0896 INCOMEDEVELOPMENT 4050 Keanu St. 17405 sq It.
R-5 zoaned. existing units plus vacant area lor 3rd. dwelling. Fee! MLS 87551 Marion M. Takela (R) 455-2706-522 7272 $50,000 buys commercial lease earning avg.
$1400'mo. prolit lor 14 5 yra. 735-5873 3 homes on 10.400 sq. tt. A 2 conea.
r-5l ureal development potential. Annual income $63,000 mis 15877. Asking $1,200,000. WESTWOOD PROP. 955-8550 555-Business A Industrial AAAAA IMX-1 SPECIAL A AAA COLBURN ST 5000 sq ft $750,000 or 4000 sqft.
w'3 rentals $760,000. Fee mis 88855 86055 David Akami-ne (HA) 737 9372 BOB TANAKA. INC. 949-4111 AAA AUAI1 AMI CAD CAl AIRPORT-lor sale 21.800' lot wnn 44rr buniding (L) BACK ON MARKET-9 52 acres PamnhAll HALAWA BUS PARK lots 22 23. each.
Vacant KAkAAKn.17 rVYV ui-nl KAPALAMA-warehouse. 10 419 under roof KAPIOLANI Blvd lee simple 14 OOO' lot vw'hiiilrimn KING ST -Corner lot in town BMx atoO heightvacant YOUNG 6732' BMX-3 IT MOMP-OC FRIEDLAMDER, INC. 524-2666 AA TOWN 14 936 sq fl BMX lot or lease, ss yrs. ueorge a Assoc 942 9411 BAR. REST.
SPACE. WAIKIKI COMM CONDO. 5760 SF $6 5 MAROI KERSTING(PB) 732 3553 PAX RLTY 922 2100 BUS Commence! property. 5000 sq tt BMX 4. 1 121 Smith St.
Open Space Black top 60C sq. It AlnoleniRity Inc 944 0077 CAMPBELL INDUSTRIAL PARK NEW CONSTRUCTION at 91-241 Kalaeloa Blvd 2 bldgs w'total ot 45 000 sq. It of office 'warehouse space. Has good Campbell lease A good lenanta. (LJ al $3,500 OOO.
mis new TED L. POND (R) 6958M7 OProp0rtl0i unlimited 487-3855 CORNER ot Waaiae A 9ih Ave Commercial bidg -f 20 1 bdrm apts (L) $2 200 000. Look IB) 538 3673 HALAWA Business Park 49 000' 75 000 vacant lots (LH) Zoned 12. Wagner I Wagner 526-0896 HALAWA BUblrvl bS PARK Leasehold mi 31 884 sqtt KAijWE ASSOC 8 9 1945 HAVE CAiM BUVLHS tar tee propertiee Leonardo A Co 735 1273 A- IWILEI BUS'Nf SS CENTER J1.499.0&0 fEE 6 71? 1.5T6 st oice. 15T6 meenme I2prtq Mi5 160J3 TBI STAR PLALTT 5311 127, S4I15 dflj c-or KAUH4 IMx 6 2 borm unrt apt PM I bdrm berh home barm 3 ih hom an on cor ner lot ft, ,4 (fS) haj 7M43 Can De La Crui (RA.
CFA 2, hvesiors ta'yr'n Prop, lot ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY OR VETERANS! You can purchase a town-house or condo with no down payment! Another plus is that VA interest rates iust went down. You're V.H.A. and AO. will pay a large portion of your monthly mortgage payment. Call now.
No obligation. LUrVU HtALIT 407-7900 AGENTS earn 70 from day 1 join once neaity. ran time ok Do it nowl Act! 395-1414 AGENTS Tired of your commission split' Why pay more than $300 tor a transaction. Join one of the fastest growing full service real estate companies in the world. Call now OARE 942-4678 SUTTON GROUP AGENTS WANTED, no exper.
req. we teacn you now to be more productive faster. you are ready tor a change call us today. 4 Assoc. 536-2764 (umithed units with lanai One area 780 eq ft.
with Ian area distance to Kona Inn Shopping INSPECTION 100 pm. 1.00 p.m. 500 pm. 5 00 m. FRIDAY.
JANUARY 11. 1991 1200 NOON HALE HALAWAI Am Drive (off Hualalai Road) Kaiiua-Kona, Hawaii 504-WAIPAHU 9 A GREAT BUY! STILL AFFORDABLE BY APPOINTMENT CONDO CO-OP KUNIA PALMS 8207 B210 C103 D210 0215 E106 E305 E306 F222 F123 G202 G302 $159,000 $142,000 $155,000 $139,000 $144,000 $149,800 $138,000 $137,000 $148,000 $175,000 $155,000 $139,000 KUNIA GARDENS 214 LEOLUA GARDENS 109 $155,000 LEOLUA REGENT C124 $140,000 E211 $150,000 C321 $128,000 C322 $128,000 SU CASA A211 $135,000 B127 $135,000 FEE SIMPLE! 2 Bdrm. units conveniently located in a fast growing city. Walking distance to shops, banks, market and bus lines. EZ access to freeway.
Pool, parking, community laundry and on-site manager make this a good buy for 1st time buyer or investor. Call today for appointment Hurry for best choice. 942-7701 Independently owned operated am KUNIA GARDENS Fee 21 wi upgrades, immac $160,000. JOE LAU REALTY 521 5110 KUNIA GARDENS 94039 Waipahu 214. 21 FEE MLS 87657 KUNIA PALMS 94 011 Waipahu St 305 21 FEE $138,000 MLS 88272 Savio Realty Ltd 942 7701 OPEN 1-5 Gorgeous in Fee2 Bdrm 94-039 WAIPAHU ST.
307 Corner unit-bnght-spacious-stnet management-on buskne-shoppmg just walk to alt Make offer $143,500 (FS)rws 89786 Ken Murtechika (RA) 671-8442 671-2623 Plantation View Haie 2 1 over 1000 ft of Irving are (FS) MLS new $1 75 OOO Van (RA) Arqueti I Assoc. I 505-Ktal Estate Loans HELPStl FIND FINANCING Pay Due Mortgaoe Payment Slop Foredoeure! 2636044 I -I 50b-Real Esute to Trade HAWAII L0A vacant lot tor trade Tnad Realty 732-5126 MAKAHA SHORES one of the tarqwt a best 2 bdrm ocean ront $410 000 FEE. trade up or down Owner (Bl 5f9 1711 BUY IT! CLASSIFIED. the dynamic, up to date tra-itetp'aa fiat makes shopping both eiciting i smp a MlaI mMt That's the average paid to "P.I." full time realtors Irom Jan. 1st to Oct 3ist 1990 Don be pushed, shoved or manipulated.
Control your life ano your expenses. Ana receive ed oltice support Ask ahout THE PRUDENT INVESTORS ADVANTAGE CALL AlEA 483 3600 KAILUA 266 7700 HONOLULU 973 5200 Or your nearest i. oMice FOR FRANCHISE INFORMATION ON OAHU 973 5800 ON MAUI 242-9415 TOLL FREE NEIGHBOR ISLE(800) 733-8844 MAINLAND USA CANADA REAL ESTATE AGENTS WORK WITH INTERNATIONAL CLIENTS- WAIKIKI OFFICE Excellent commission schedule Contact- Lou Prrtchard (Rl Internationa! Investors Realty 946-2776 SELL your House by Video tape, Hawaiian Image Video Production 254 4644 TUNE IN-CALL IN K108, 1080 AM 522-5108 Sundays, noon-2 pm and Wednesdays, 56 pm LET'S TALK REAL ESTATE with What's open What's Happening in Hawaii HALE KOA REALTY BETTER HOMES GARDENS WE pay cash or mortgages, notes. TDs. AS, anywhere.
Assoc. 488-3399 531-HousesiBldgs. CABANA $7500 orig. design semi turn. Dam, living rm Kitch.
Call Carole 455-4353 LJJU'LL UL.1J!.'J 55Wncome Property AAAAAA Hot solid investment a nice bdrm units in a solid, newly painted bldg. w'about SbO.OOO yr. income. IMX1 7one In Palamt. Priced to sell al Hurryi Gendrano (R) 833-1226.
839-2690 ABSOLUTELY the best fMllJb RfcDUCED 8 plen INCOME INCREASED $75,540 ennual 6271 sq. ft. lot (FS) Eric Hill (R) Property Int l. 533 2100 AESTHETIC Lahaina Hotel, mew, is rooms amenities Incl. FMA for additional 14 rooms, MOTIVATED! $9 9 mil (FS) Gresham 4 Inc 1 879 7283 A FEE McCully BMX 3 5.000 q.
II- (83624) George Mono Kaneshiro (R) George Assoc 942 9411 A shopping lge. whse. son. v.w u.uy a api. oiogs.
lor sale (L) to 15 cap. Comm. Real Estate Svcs. 521-8812 BEHIND Foodiand in Liliha Fee simple, 4202 sq 1. A-1 Zoning.
2 structures w'4 rental umtt. Excl. potential. Close to lots ot conveniences. Mis 78538 Asking $625,000 Gendrano (R) 833-1226-839 2690 BY APPfilMTMFNT Right heart of town Opportunity knocks.
(4) 1 bdrms. i (4) 2 bdrms located close to uue, BcnooiS, a Shopping (FS) MLS new. Marcte Bolelho (R) 455-8630 hnmA 9f Plua' Realty 247-7799 BY OWNER: Makiki (FS) apt. clean units Pnced to sell at $795 000. 236-0504 Commercial Condo-Waikiki Zoned tor bar or reslaurant Make moneyi (L) MLS 82163 rs.uuu ieate til 2035 Bryn James (R) $T169I99 I.UjJs.
Dalles Apt Bidgs 8 2 bdrm 32 units $750,000. Las Vegas-29 unit olcwhse $1 6 mil. showrnvotc. $1 2 mil Fong Properties 524 5776 Denver 2 bdrm fireplace pool tennis, lee $.19 500 Guarantee rent 689 7234. 247 2849 OEVELOf 43251 sq II (FS) $2 1 mil Sutton Group OARE aren wong (HA) 422 0V23 FEE SIMPLE Kaikja Shopping Center Newly renovated with nenonai-credit tenant.
6 5 cap rate $6 500.000 MLS 77349 Robert Liftman (RA) ownerlistor 2268518 Savo Realty Ltd 942 7701 FEB simple 7,20 el Pio oic bidg $2 5 million. Gomes SrmmTnomeon. mc 521 3233 INC OWE PRODUCING PROPERTIES Commercial bunding with national credit tenants, 9 11 capttaiiiation rates $500 000 $4,000 OOO Kenneth frtdey tRA or Fteiph Oay (RA) 732 2642 tanum inc. 139-7448 INCUK'fc PhuPtfiTV Downtown L've 1 unit A rwt tn Qr 2- FfoT house hat two 3 txym units-back houw ha fcrje 1 bdrm wo On rvg'-vnorhond. Cai" t4 tfJ fTNMOA) 1 1 weepi mom jfetl '-'with ll Jones Realty You Don't Need Experience We Give It! Most Comprehensive Training in Industry Direct Mail Subsidy TV Advertising for Open House Offices arouna the Island International Clientele Tuesday.
December 11. 1990 7 to 9 pm Carnation Room laMMBsatHB I a-I'' I License not necessary No pressure No charge! Come Meet HAL JONES and all of the Management at ERA Jones R.S.V.P. 973-4630 504-WAIKIKI 2) WAIKIKI LANAIS LARGEST UNIT Largest 2 bdrm, 1 bath in bldg. 964 sf. total living area.
End unit, 125 sf lanai walum shutters. Mis 6976 (L). Valued at $275,000. for app contact: Listor Walton Young (RA) 239-7404 TTCTTTaCl ALOHA PROPERTIES 922-2121 Mi Spacious 2 bdrm suite on uoia coast unsurpassed ocean views! MLS 66328 (L) $1,800,000 Jitsuo Nakano (R) H-377-0836'735-4200 WHITE SAND BEACHFRONT Tropical setting in fee Spacious, renovated 1 bdrm $349,200 89879 Anne Shirley Gibbs (RA) H-599 6458, 735-4200 UPGRADES GALORE! Best 2 bdrm in Discovery Bay Completely renovated Plus ocean view! 16394 (L) Barbara Johnson (RA) 395-4712. 396-9199 "OCEANFRONT PARKING" 975 Sq.
ft. upgraded-on white sand beach 180 view-like new-secure prkg $510,000 (L) MLS 88862 Pamela Dupuis (RA) 735-8809, 735-4200 KEONI ANA 1208 Spacious, high fir. 2 bdrm spectacular view of blue oceani Motivated! $325,000 (L) MLS 14726 Stephen Moon (RA) H-396 0811 '735-4200 435 Seaside 11 view, corner unit, secure, cv prkg $165 000 (L) Needs TLC. Hampton Co. 737 2088 441 Lewers: A great price for thia new listing) No frills but plenty of room to fix-up ano maxe more valuable For an investor this it Ideal with a tenant who wants to stav $99 500 (L) MLS 16519 Call Grace Hawley (R) tor an appt at jw-tftu Ann Davidson, Inc.
888-2102 5Q4-WAIPAHLJ )9 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ONE OF A KIND! This upgraded 2 bdrm end unit features a lge. remodeled eat-m kitcnen, 4 ceiling tana, special built ms a solid cor front door Truly one of a kind ana must to seel Cat) for apot MLS 88940 RUBIO REALTY, INC. 677-5229 DON'T WAIT til the last minute to call in your ad! CALL EARLY! So we can gve you the best possitie sewce CLASSIFIED 521-9111 ja, 'II i I I I oise and.or service of- 41 1 rxneo ere accurately deWt scnoed end willingly toeJ I CAREER NIGHT Find Out Vhy LOCATIONS Is The Industry Leader LOCATIONS Is Better For You LOCATIONS Agents Earn Much More i- jmjltmtmjm.t W4V4U4. For iw wuiunajr ai ine aover. tised price Advertisers are aware ot these conditions Advertising that does not -conform to these sterx dards or that is deceptive or misleading tc never-' knowingly accepted II any reader encounters non comoliann ih a anoaids.
ask that you- i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -521-9111 Or BETTER BUSINESS 7 BUREAU S42-2355 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS CAKU CENTRAL OFFICE 946-1433 (24 HOUR Wednesday, Dec 12 7 p.m. 98-199 Kam Suite H-9 Aiea, Hawaii 96701 Reservations: DaveVieira 484-3315 e. a xa.a am mm mm mm.mmm r-.